Monday, November 9, 2009

Do we live to do or to be?

I am not so much made up of the doing that I forget to be.
The times I remember that stick with me are not those that we went to do something, but that we were just there being who we were.
Be that
watching a fire in silence,
walking in the woods,
Some of the time I remember what we were doing but most of the time I find I feel the memory of being with the person that made the activity.
So does this work in all things? Yes we need to do things, Work, Church stuff, family stuff, etc.... Yet to excel should we not strive to just BE!
Be a man of our word
Be a peacemaker
Be a lover
Be a friend
Be a person of hope
Be a person that is at peace
Be one that gives
Be a world changer
Be a child of God(This is the gift Jesus gave)

So what make Being so hard? Why does the world try to kill the ones that try to Be instead of the busy one that makes useless noise?

Thank you father for the gift of just being your child.

Just a thought............

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Rise of Pain....

I am making a note on Headaches. I hate them....I mean I wish I could see them boil in oil...(Those that know me understand I do not use the term hate lightly) Pain starts with a hint and boils up to where you can't stand light/sound/movement....The colors can be nice if you could just ignore the pain that comes with them. I am not complaining I am just upset...Pain I Just have to rely on God to just remove it. I do thank God for the hands that made meds that help I just want the pain to stop.

If anyone else is under the plauge that is pain, I am praying for you that God will cover you in peace and restoration.

My friends God is bigger that the pain and bigger than the way I think.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Well I did not mean to forget.....

I ask your forgiveness if by my lack of updates has this place become cold and dark.

Time seems to slip away and so does my mind.

As to the rest of life we are still living under the mercy of Christ and that is all that counts. I am thankful that I do not have to claim that I am the way to anything, yet I get to see how God works around me.
In the little things.....
The smile my son has when I come home,
The glow my wife has when she sees something that warms her heart,
The rain on my head then the sun to dry it,
The sound of a call to sit and rest at the feet of my God,
The sweet scent of flowers in the air or the strong oder of pine, both are welcomed.
When and Idea is more that just a thought yet is still a dream.
All of these and much more give reason, rhythm and rhyme to my life.
I just want to say thank you to my God and the giver of more than I can dream of. Jesus Christ,

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Too many.....

In all things I have to remember to not want too much. I want it all and I want it NOW... But if I can keep in the forefront of my mind that I get what i need then I should be good with that!

This little note from our sponsors..............

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Give me a path to follow....

I think that everyone works better if you know where you are going. A clear defined path/goal/dream etc..... I have goals for my personal life, work, Spiritual, health. Etc.... What I don't see around me is people talking about theirs. This is not new it seems to be over the last 5-7 years People don't say I will do this or that but that maybe or i might do this. Can we just make our YES yes and NO no. Please.

Monday, February 23, 2009

And now for something stupid yet funny.....

A friend's silly Songsmith vid.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

And now for a small piece of my mind.....

I was thinking that my understanding of how people can be hurtful and try to cause others pain was full. Then I read stories and see how deep people dig to cause others pain or revel in the pain the someone else goes through. Let's look at any T.V. show first the the main Character has something happen to cause pain, heartache, or make the day bad in someway. We laugh, cry, respond, Then 30-60 minutes later the show is done and some fix is found all is better.
This has trained us to think all we need to do is feel an emotion and it is better. Before anyone jumps on my case I know that TV is not real life but it still come to pass that what we see we start to take as a pattern as it should be.So back to the point and that is WE CAN'T FIX ANYTHING WITHOUT GOD. We did not make the world and everything in it. We don't understand what makes a difference in the big picture. We are fools if we think we can change anything.
Now don't hear what I am not saying....Should we try to make things better YES, Should try to improve YES. I am saying that the better plan is to look and see where God is moving and jump in with both feet.

So there end the lesson........( 20 points for the Quote reference)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

What is the plan?

I don't see anyone talking about a plan to fix anything just how to give out more and more of my son's and his kids future.....

Can someone please put out a plan not just any party line.....


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Pain do you bow or do you push through?

Just a question to think about:
Do you Give if the pain is to high?
When is it OK to quit?
What is the right time to lay dow?

OK enough this could go on for a long time.
I was kind of out of it yesterday from a migraine, The pain made me see colors that were not there. NOT FUN......
So in my mind I thought why do we push through pain? Does it make us better?
I came up without an answer but it is odd that the human race has pain as a reason to both push through and to quit. Odd don't you think?

Monday, February 9, 2009

Turmoil and the peace that comes through it.....

So you see something happen that is in your opinion bad. You see someone hurt. Your hurt it causes you to not see the good in yourself nor others. What do you do with this?
-Forgive even if you don't think you need to.
-Love beyond what you see
-Hope in what you don't understand

Otherwise understand that you exist not for your cute wants and "needs" but to serve God and to be light and salt to the world.......

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Do I count in the big picture??????

From this title you might think that the issue at hand is dire. I don't think that the fact that there are issues should cause any effect on the life of a follower of Christ. I was not given a promise of happy times nor that pain would not come. In fact the opposite is the truth. I i belive that Jesus is the Lord of All that is a slap in the way the world views life and as such I am an afront to the way everyone else views life.

Nothing else for today.......